Friday, October 18, 2024

Life and Times of James Alexander Hamilton

Exciting news! My biography of James Alexander Hamilton is available for preorder most places where you buy books. I've included a few links below. I've had some questions about what is included, since most people know a fair amount about Alexander Hamilton but not so much about any of his children.

This gives you an idea: 

James A Hamilton lived through an exciting time in US history. Unfortunately, it's also an era that we don't spend a lot of time talking about. Besides defending his father's memory and national bank, James served as temporary Secretary of State under President Andrew Jackson, enabling him to observe the Eaton Scandal and the Nullification Crisis first hand. My hope is that everyone reading this book will gain an appreciation for James and for other sons of founders who were left with the challenging work of building a new nation.

Since he lived a long, 'varied and somewhat eventful life,' James also provides us with a look into America's western expansion and growing reputation abroad. As a member of the crew of the America, he was on the schooner for which the famous America's Cup is named. 

Becoming almost as outspoken as his famous father, James spoke and wrote about the abolition of slavery and other issues related to the Civil War. He even provided Abraham Lincoln with a draft of an Empancipation Proclamation and offered his own services if General Winfield Scott had anywhere to place one in his mid-seventies. 

I'm also excited to share the cover of this book with my readers, because it features a portrait of James privately held by a descendant and therefore not often seen. With this image and much of what is between the covers, I hope you will agree that this book is one-of-a-kind. Thank you to all my readers who have supported me through the writing and publication process!

A few places you can pre-order your copy:

Directly from me (signed copies)

Pen & Sword


Amazon US

Amazon UK

Barnes & Noble